AIFMD Press Communications
· Letter to The Financial Times from Ranjit Chatterji, Chair, Association of Global Custodians (AGC), regarding AIFMD
will transfer undue risk to custodian banks, April 4,
2012 Clearing & Settlement
· Letter to Kathleen Holemans (Euroclear Bank)
and Russell Callaway (Clearstream Banking), regarding ISMAG, March 21,
Letter to Pierre Francotte (Euroclear S.A.) and Jeff Tessler (Clearstream)
regarding ICSD Payment Reversals,
October 20, 2009
Letter to the European Central Bank, regarding the Initial Public
Consultation, 1 September 2008, on the Eurosystem Single Interface
November 26, 2008
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, Director General, Payment Systems
and Market Infrastructure, European Central Bank ("ECB"), regarding ECB's
Public Consultation Papers on T2S User Requirements and the T2S Economic
April 1, 2008
Letter to Dr. Luis Correia da Silva, Oxera Consulting, Ltd., conveying the
Association's Views regarding Oxera's Methodology and Assumptions on the
Industry-Wide Public Initiative Undertaken for the European Commission,
January 28, 2008
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, Director General, Payment Systems
and Market Infrastructure, European Central Bank,
June 26, 2007
Letter to Mr. Mario Nava, European Commission, regarding Comments on the
Code of Conduct for Clearing and Settlement, December 14, 2006
Letter to Mr. Mario Nava, European Commission, regarding Comments on the
Draft Document on Post-Trading, September 22, 2006
Letter to
Mr. Mario Nava, European Commission, regarding Comments on the Draft
Working Document on Post-Trading, June 30, 2006
Letter to
DG Competition, regarding Comments on the May 25, 2006 Consultative Paper,
"Competition in EU Securities Trading and Post-Trading", June 30, 2006
Letter to Commissioner Charles McCreevy, Member of the European
Commission, regarding Association Views Regarding Cross-Border Clearing
and Settlement in Europe and the Commission's Regulatory and Legislative
Assessment, March 31, 2006
Letter to Jean -Michel
Godeffroy, Director General, Payment Systems, European Central Bank and
Eddy Wymeersch, Chairman, Banking and Finance Commission, regarding:
Public Statement -- Follow-up Work by the ESCB/CESR Joint Working Group,
September 13, 2005
Letter to DG MARKT24
G4, European Commission, regarding: Comments on Shareholder Rights
Consultation Document of the Services of the Internal Market Directorate
General, December 16, 2004
Letter to DG Competition, European Commission, regarding: Comment on
"Overview of EU25 securities trading, clearing, central counterparties,
and securities settlement.", November 22, 2004
Letter to DG MARKT G1, European Commission, regarding: Communication from
the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - Clearing and
Settlement in the European Union - the way forward, July 29, 2004
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, Director General, European Central
Bank, regarding: Revised ESCB-CESR Standards for Securities Clearing and
Settlement in the European Union, June 21, 2004
Letter to Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, Chairman, Committee of European
Securities Regulators, regarding: Additional Time Needed to Develop
Commentary and Presentations Regarding the Revised Standards for Clearing
and Settlement Systems in the European Union, May 17, 2004
Letter to Jean -Michel
Godeffroy, Director General, Payment Systems, European Central Bank and
Eddy Wymeersch, Chairman, Banking and Finance Commission, regarding: Fair
Opportunity to Prepare Commentary and Organize Presentations in Connection
with the Issuance of Revised Standards or the Scheduling of Consultative
Hearings, April 16, 2004
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, Director General, Payment Systems,
European Central Bank, regarding: Association Views on the ESCB-CESR
Standards -- Standards for Securities Clearing and Settlement Systems in
the European Union, February 23, 2004
Letter to Frits Bolkestein, European Commissioner for Internal Market,
Regarding Anticipated Commission Communication Regarding Clearing and
Settlement Issues -- Standards for Securities Clearing and Settlement
Systems in the European Union, February 17, 2004
Letter to
Elias Kazarian, Secretariat, European Central Bank, regarding: Executive
Summary and Chart summarizing Association comments to ESCB-CESR -- Standards for Securities Clearing and Settlement
Systems in the European Union, November 19, 2003
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, European Central Bank, and Eddy Wymeersch,
Banking and Finance Commission, regarding: Comment on the Standards Report
and Scope Statement -- Standards for Securities Clearing and Settlement
Systems in the European Union, October 31, 2003
Letter to Jean-Michel Godeffroy, European Central Bank, and Eddy Wymeersch,
Banking and Finance Commission, regarding: Request for Comment on
Consultative Report -- Standards for Securities Clearing and Settlement
Systems in the European Union, October 1, 2003
Letter to DG MARKT F2, European Commission, regarding: Communication From the Commission to the Council and
the European Parliament on Clearing and Settlement in the European Union,
October 1, 2002
· Letter
to Christoph Crüwell,
Secretariat, Committee of European Securities Regulators and Elias
Kazarian, European Central Bank, regarding: Joint Work of the European
System of Central Banks and the Committee of European Securities
Regulators in the Field of Clearing and Settlement, May 23, 2002
Letter to
Maria Teresa FABREGAS FERNANDEZ, European Commission, regarding European
Commission's MiFID II/MiFIR Proposals,
October 12, 2012
Letter to Jonathan Faull, European Commission, regarding the European
Commission's letter of May 30th to the Association - AIFMD Level 2 Issues,
June 25, 2012. The AGC's reply letter and the underlying,
referenced communication from Jonathan Faull were elements in a series of
communications between the AGC and European Commission officials
concerning AIFMD L2
Letter to Martin Foelsch, Permanent Representation of Germany to the
European Union, regarding Commission Proposal for a Directive amending
Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on
Investor Compensation Schemes,
April 7, 2011
Letter to Patrick Pearson, European Commission, regarding Public
Consultation - Central Securities Depositories and the Harmonization of
Certain Aspects of Securities Settlement in the European Union,
March 7, 2011
Response to Consultation
Paper on the UCITS Depositary Function and on the UCITS Managers'
January 31, 2011
Response to the European Commission Consultation - Legislation on Legal
Certainty of Securities Holding and Dispositions,
January 21, 2011
Letter to the European
Commission Services - DG Market, regarding Commission Services (DG MARKT)
Consultation Paper on the UCITS Depositary Function,
September 2, 2009
Cross Border Voting
· Letter to Corinne van Ginkel, Ministry of
Justice, The Hague, regarding: Consultative Document on Cross-Border Voting in
Europe, June 12, 2002
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions
Response of the AGC to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions
January 2, 2012
European Securities and Markets Authority
Letter to
European Commission and ESMA,
regarding UCITS V, AIFMD and CSD Regulation: Treatment of Central
Securities Depositories,
April 4, 2016
Letter to Richard Stobo, The European Securities and Markets Authority,
regarding AIFMD Implementation Issues,
April 26, 2013
Letter to The European Securities and Markets Authority, regarding
Association Comments on ESMA's Consultation paper, "Draft technical advice
to the European Commission on possible implementing measures of the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive in relation to supervision
and third countries", 23 August 2011 - ESMA 2011/270,
September 23, 2011
Letter to The European Securities and Markets Authority,
regarding Association Comments on ESMA's Consultation paper, "Draft
technical advice to the European Commission on possible implementing measures of the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive", 13 July 2011 - ESMA
September 12, 2011
Letter to Richard Stobo, The European Securities and Markets Authority,
regarding CESR Call for Evidence Concerning Implementing Measures on the
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD"),
January 14, 2011
Offshore Fund Processing
· Letter to the German Federal Ministry of
Finance, regarding: German Investment Statute Consultation Proceeding -
Comments Directed to Matters Affecting Custodian/Depotbank Duties in
Servicing Hedge Funds, Funds of Hedge Funds and Real Estate Funds, June
30, 2005
Letter to Gary Palmer, Chief Executive, Dublin Funds Industry Association, regarding:
Regulatory Issues in Connection with Custodian/Trustee Supervision of
Third Parties In Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds Context, August
19, 2004 Parliament and Council
Letter to Dr. Kay Swinburne, Member of the European Parliament, Parlement
européen, regarding Proposal for a Regulation on Improving Securities
Settlement in the EU and on CSDs,
June 27, 2012
Letter to Jean-Paul Gauzes, Member of the European Parliament/Rapporteur,
Dolores Duran Bono, Office of the European Council President and Ugo Bassi,
European Commission, regarding Custodians' Continuing Concerns about Draft AIFMD Provisions,
February 19, 2010
Letter to
Frederick Reinfeldt, President of the European
Council, regarding Proposed Re-draft of Article 17 - Alternative
Investment Fund Managers Directive,
December 2, 2009
Letter to
Frederick Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of Sweden, President of the European
Council, regarding Proposal for a Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers
[2009/0064(COD)]; Provisions on Depositaries,
July 3, 2009
Transparency Directive
· Letter to Peter W.
Skinner, Member of European Parliament, regarding: Draft European Union
Transparency Directive, October 8, 2003
· Letter to Klaus-Heiner Lehne and Peter W.
Skinner, Members of European Parliament, regarding: Draft European Union
Transparency Directive, July 11, 2003 |