· Response to the ESMA Consultation Papers regarding Guidelines on Reverse Solicitation and Guidelines on the Conditions and Criteria for the Qualification of Crypto-Assets as Financial Instruments, April 29, 2024

· Response to the ESMA "Consultation on Technical Advice on CSDR Penalty Mechanism", February 29, 2024

· Response to Second Consultation on the Technical Standards Specifying Certain Requirements of Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA), December 14, 2023

· AFME-AGC Joint Response to The Law Commission Public Consultation on Digital Assets, November 4, 2022

· AFME-AGC Joint Response to UK Jurisdiction Taskforce Public Consultation for a Legal Statement on Digital Securities, October 31, 2022

· Response to ESMA Call for Evidence on Shortening the Settlement Cycle, October 5, 2023

· ESMA Call for Evidence:  DLT Pilot Regime and Review of MiFIR Regulatory Technical Standards on Transparency and Reporting, March 4, 2022

· European Commission Targeted Consultation on the Review of the Regulation on Improving Securities Settlement in the European Union and on Central Securities Depositories ("CSDR Review"); CSDR Review - AGC Response - Summary Extract, February 2, 2021

· European Commission Public Consultation on the Review of the AIFMD - Investor Protection; Submission of the AGC European Focus Committee - Summary and Extract, January 29, 2021

· Shareholder Rights Directive II Position Paper, August 4, 2020

· Letter to the Financial Stability Board (FSB), regarding FSB's Discussion Paper on Regulatory and Supervisory Issues Relating to Outsourcing and Third-Party Relationships.

· Letter to the Assets & Residence Policy Team, HM Revenue and Customs, regarding the Fifth Money Laundering Directive and Trust Registration Service, Technical Consultation Document of January 24, 2020, February 21, 2020

· Letter to the BEIS/Law Commission, regarding Intermediated Securities Call for Evidence, November 29, 2019

· Letter to the HM Treasury, regarding Transportation of the Fifth Money Laundering Directive, June 10, 2019.

· Letter to Naerings og fiskeridepartementet, regarding Shareholders Rights Directive II (SRDII), March 29, 2019.

· Letter to European Commission, regarding Ares(2018)2778673 / Draft Delegated Regulation Amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/438 as Regards Safe-keeping Duties of Depositaries for UCITS Funds, and Ares (2018)2778659 / Draft Delegated Regulation Amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 as Regards Safe-keeping Duties of Depositaries for Alternative Investment Funds, June 26, 2018.

· EU Consultation on Conflict of Laws, June 30, 2017.

· Letter to Olga Petrenko, ESMA, regarding Clarification and Challenges for MiFID/MiFIR Transaction Reporting, June 29, 2017.

· Comment Communication Submitted on September 23, 2016 to ESMA, regarding Asset Segregation and Custody Services.

· Letter to European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), regarding AGC Response to ESMA's Consultation Paper on Guidelines on Participant Default Rules and Procedures Under CSDR, June 30, 2016.

· Consultation Paper on Regulatory Technical Standards on the CSD Regulation (“draft RTS”); The Operation of the Buy-In Process, 30 June 2015 (the “Consultation Paper”), August 6, 2015.

· European Securities and Markets Authority; European Banking Authority; European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities -- regarding Draft Regulatory Technical Standards/Risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP under EMIR, July 10, 2015.

· European Commission Green Paper, Building a Capital Markets Union (the "Green Paper"), May 13, 2015.




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